
Why is it difficult to make the medicine of the Covid-19? |Corona 🔥Alert🔥

Why is it difficult to make the medicine of the Covid-19?
Why is it difficult to make the medicine of the Covid-19? |Corona 🔥Alert🔥
Why is it difficult to make the medicine of the Covid-19? |Corona 🔥Alert🔥

Human beings have developed the science to such an extent that we are able to get every things to our door step but if we think to have a device that have 48 Mega pixels camera in past 600 years it really sounds odd. However with lot of achievement a general questions arises that why if all the scientists are working but the result is not satisfying, when they want to invent a medicine of Corona Virus? So, it is obvious question let’s go with it.

Reasons for dissatisfying Results are:

  • It’s a Virus:

If the problem arises with the bacteria then it cannot be wide spread in this manner. Bacteria always need biological pathways to survive but the Virus is not doing in such manner. Anti-biotic simply block this pathways and bacteria are killed. But as we move towards virus they did not require that. So there is nothing to be blocked.

  • It is a controversy thing that virus is either living or non-Living:

Generally to know whether a thing is living or non-living, it requires to see there molecular movement. But Viruses do not have this movement outside the body of a host.

  • Viruses use the mechanism of the host:

When viruses enter the body of living organisms or host. They start to show there molecular movements or become living. The first thing they do is to reproduce into the host by using there mechanism. So when a medicine is prepared to kill the viruses it has to interpret with the host body. And then medicine leads to destroy the host body.

  • Viruses have many target spot:

Bacteria have Specific target spot. So the medicine can be targeted to a specific spot but if we go with the viruses they have not a specific spot they have many target spots but the medicine is not a cricketer to become all-rounded.

Despite these problems we have also Anti -virus for some viral diseases. Our scientists are doing his full afford to get rid of this Covid-19.So don’t worry about just keep calm and stay safe. If you have already boost up your Knowledge then get this post shared and boost up their knowledge, If you a positive minded.

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